CTDHS-Media Room Solution

Transforming a place into a fully equipped media room with up-to-date technology solutions.


Winter – Fall 2022

Our Role

Technical Assistance for the Win Upgrade

Tools Used​

Windows 10, Windows 7, Microsoft

End Points:

Project Overview

Chicago Talent Development Charter High School(CTDHS)

CTDHS is organized around two key themes: 1) serving students performing below grade level to get them college-ready by graduation through the Talent Development/Diplomas Now model developed by Johns Hopkins University and 2) partnering with IFT(Illinois Federation of Teachers) and SEIU(Service Employees International Union) to create a new model of a teacher’s union contract—one that seeks to protect the profession of teaching without constraining the school from making decisions that benefit student learning. It has been no longer in operation since June 2014.

The Challenge

The project happened because they wanted a place for media development to be available for the students. When looking at all of the different components needed to make a proper Media Room, the school administration was lost and confused, that’s when we got the call.

The way moving forward was to be on-site, conduct a walk-through and have a complete comprehensive plan for the hardware and software requirements of the media room with the most cost effective quote for the entire project because during that time, there were some changes in the funding for the charter schools and the school was going through a hard time.

Our Solution

A complete inventory of software and hardware was done and the requirements of the media room were documented. A budget was set and approved by the school and we needed to get out to get all of the materials required from our vendors and partners.

A room design software was used to create an interior design to see how the media and IT equipment can be placed. The computers were setup and any bug fixes or any optimization was completed. Other media equipment such as cameras, voice equipment and a production room was set up with the help of the media instructor to make sure it is setup as to how they needed it.

Once that was done we made sure to provide the proper training to the person who was in-charge of the room. A Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) was shared with the instructor.

The Results

The media room was setup with multiple cameras, lighting equipment, and microphones. Also a complete post production room with iMac for video editing, SMART board and servers for data storage was setup.

Once this was all complete CTDHS was able to open up a Video and Broadcasting Class in the room. There were many future successful experiences that were had in that class. Also the students took to the class excitedly.

The project was completed with a cost-effective quote and with utmost use of resources available and completed within the projected end date presented to the client.

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